Conditional Formatting allows you to do things like painting a row in Google Sheets based on the input of one of the cells on that row. I use it a lot to color track when tasks are done for example. For example: To use it just select the whole working area and choose “Conditional Formatting”, […]
Category: Google Apps
How to split the date from the time in Google Sheets
Split the date Let’s start from the following document which traces the data recording every second. We want to split the date and time in order to put the date in column B and time in column C. To accomplish this separation, we must keep in mind that the value of 1 […]
Zebra style on Google Sheets with conditional formating
Microsoft Excel and other programs in Microsoft Office provide a handy feature called “Quick Styles” to help you quickly format a selected range as a striped table. The table can have zebra lines meaning alternating rows are formatted with different colors. Google Sheets do not support zebra stripes (yet) but you can use conditional formatting […]